Sorccia Surfaces Backings

We have a variety of backing options for all stone panel project requirements.

Aluminum-Composite Polymer (ACP)

High-strength 3mm thick ACP backing laminated to a 5mm stone layer (8mm total thickness) creates a lightweight stone panel used for wainscoting, backsplash and bath/shower panels.


7mm stone with 1mm fiberglass cloth epoxy backing has flexural strength that is strong enough for interior and exterior use. This backing product is used for stone floor panels, stone wall panels, fireplace facing and exterior stone wall panels.


Honeycomb aluminum backing is designed to be used with 5-6mm stone and yields a total thickness of 10-40mm. This versatile stone panel backing is used for tables, furniture tops, counter tops and mechanically attached exterior panels. Exterior panels are used not only for appearance but also ease of installation and energy savings. These panels exceed the strength of natural stone with 1/3 the weight.

Translucent Panels

3mm PVB engineered plastic backing is designed to be used with 5mm onyx and translucent marble stone panels for both transfer of light and strength. Tempered glass backing is used for floors and two-sided applications.